You can access sermon study notes, home group notes and questions, handouts, and more to delve deeper into the sermons preached at Grace.

Revelation 8:1-13
The Lamb of God: On His Throne and Among His People God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment ...

Revelation 7:1-17
The Lamb of God: On His Throne and Among His People God’s Seal upon His People ...

Revelation 6:9-17
The Lamb of God: On His Throne and Among His People An Eternal Perspective...

Revelation 5:1-14
The Lamb of God: On His Throne and Among His People A Lamb as if it had Been Slain...

Revelation 4:1-11
The Lamb of God: On His Throne and Among His People Holy, Holy, Holy...

Revelation 3:7-22
The Lamb of God: On His Throne and Among His People The Churches at Philadelphia and Laodicea – A Contrast...