October 13th: One-Service Sunday - Outdoor Worship Gathering at 10:00 AM

Please bring a chair for the Outdoor Worship Service.



2 Peter 1:5-15


Pursue Holiness
Wait Patiently for Jesus’ Return
Pursue Holiness
2 Peter 1:5-15

A Theology of Glory: “A theology of glory presupposes that I can achieve glory (salvation) by my good works. "A theology of glory expects total success, finding all the answers, winning all the battles, and living happily ever after. The theology of glory is all about my strength, my power, and my works." (Gene Veith)

A Theology of the Cross: Our sin has separated us from God. Since we can never undo the wrong we have done, and since our very nature is sinful from birth, it is impossible to reach God through our own efforts. Because he loved us, God made a way for us to live with him eternally by sending his Son to live the life we could not live and die the death that we deserved. God meets us, in Jesus, at the cross.

Jerry Bridges: For believers, our sin is a burden that afflicts us, not a pleasure that delights us.

Application from the Text

1. The NT knows little to nothing of a casual and/or careless Christian life - prioritize your relationship with Jesus
2. The life we live in Christ is a multifaceted blessing to us and to others - embrace all of it.
3. It is easier to be led astray than you think – be vigilant about doctrine
4. Should you suffer for your faith, may God be glorified - keep serving in the kingdom because you still have a job to do