2 Timothy 1:6-7
Dealing with Debilitating Fear
2 Timothy 1:6-7
➢ Read 2 Timothy 1:1-7 and talk about the context for verses 6-7
➢ Three alternatives to fear are given in verse 7. Discuss the points underneath each.
1. Power – we need power to overcome:
• the destructive effect fear can have on our health
• the destructive effect fear can have on our relationships
• the destructive effect fear can have on our productivity
2. Love – we need love to overcome bitterness toward:
• others
• ourselves
• God
3. Self-control – or a sound mind
• How does this help?
Overcoming Fear
1. More time in the Word
2. Pray specifically for victory
3. Confront, don’t run
4. Expect setbacks
5. Remember, if you fail, you might have lost a battle, but you have not lost the war
6. Thank God for all victories
7. Look for new challenges
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