Daniel 11:21-35

Daniel: Yahweh is Faithful to His People: Then, Now, and Forever Enduring Persecution as God’s People, Part 1
Daniel 11:21-35
➢ If you would like to, and your leader is willing, work your way through the text and hit the highlights (you are probably thinking, “Are you kidding me?). What did you learn about the Apocrypha and what more would you like to know? How about the rule of terror by Antiochus Epiphanes? The additional notes will supply more information.
➢ Engage the points of application from the sermon. We will likely revisit these questions next week (and more) with direction:
1. Stay connected to God’s Word!
2. Stay connected to community
3. To compromise your beliefs in one area is to walk willingly into Satan’s trap
4. Understand that deliverance from trials might not come in this life – trust God anyway
5. Pray for our government leaders that we might live peaceful and godly lives – 1 Timothy 2:1-2
6. Make a decision to stand with/for Jesus before you are forced to make a decision about standing or not
7. Regularly affirm your belief in the gospel – with your church family – at the Lord’s Table
➢ Pray for your missionaries to have this level of courage as they serve the Lord in their places of service.
Additional Notes for Daniel 11:21-35
The Apocrypha
➢ 14 Intertestamental books revealing Messianic fervor and providing historical accounts in the 400 years between Malachi and Matthew
➢ Not considered by Protestants to be worthy of a place in the Bible, but valuable for understanding the times2
➢ 1 and 2 Maccabees give details about the time of great trial from 169-164 B.C.
➢ 1 and 2 Maccabees named after Judas Maccabeus, son of Mattathias, the priest who rebelled against Antiochus IV
“Apocrypha” means hidden away. The Apocrypha made its first appearance in the Septuagint – the Greek translation of the OT. David Briones, professor at Westminster Theological Seminary, writes: “In a pejorative sense, these writings are hidden for good reason. They are deemed theologically suspicious and even heretical by many. Jewish and Protestant circles flat out reject these writings as authoritative for the faith and practice of the church.”
Should we, then, keep away from these books? While we must always remember that they are not part of the canon of Scripture, the historical and cultural writings can help us understand the times (beliefs, religious activities, etc.) leading up to Jesus’ birth.
More from David Briones: “One of Jerome’s followers, Nicholas of Lyra, influenced a well-known Reformer: Martin Luther. Luther was forced to grapple with the status of the Apocrypha, especially in light of sola Scriptura and Rome’s use of the Apocrypha to support the saying of the Masses, prayers for the dead, and almsgiving as a meritorious act of penance. In his preface to the Apocrypha, Luther echoed Jerome’s distinction: “These are books that, though not esteemed like the Holy Scriptures, are still both useful and good to read.”
Interesting Article about 1 and 2 Maccabees and events surrounding Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Jewish revolt Worth your time! https://www.gotquestions.org/first-second-Maccabees.html
Andrew Steinman, commenting on Daniel 11:33: Those who are wise and have insight are those who have faith in and are faithful to God, who study and understand his Word, and who rely upon it to respond to the challenges they face in living committed lives of faith in his promises, even when persecuted to the point of death. Therefore, Daniel is told that such people will respond to the grave conditions under Antiochus by instructing others and encouraging them to remain faithful in the face of persecution.
1 Timothy 2:1-2: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
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