Malachi 3:6-12

The Privilege and Responsibility of Giving to God
Malachi 3:6-12

  • Read Malachi 3:6-12, and answer the following questions:
    • What is the context surrounding these verses? What is clear and not so clear to you?
    • Do you spend more time thinking about what God has done for you or what he has not done for you? What difference will your perspective make in your life?
    • Tell your story, if you are willing, about when you first understood the importance of tithing, and about how you made the decision to begin giving systematically (all at once, gradually, etc.).
    • How would you encourage your fellow believers to take the step of obedience/faith? Especially for the younger generation, this is best taught/communicated one on one.
  • Read the following words about giving, spoken by our Lord. Thoughts
    • Matthew 6:19-24
    • Luke 12:13-21
    • Luke 18:18-30

And this from the epistles:

  • 2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:6-15
  • 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19


  • Although tithing is not commanded for NT believers, what we have covered so far barely scratches the surface of what the NT has to say about how we should understand what is expected of us with regard to money. The OT standard of 10% should be the minimum that we expect to freely give to God! Here are a few suggestions to help you “put God to the test: "
    • Ask God for a generous heart! Do you know a generous person? God gave him/her a generous heart.
    • Purpose in your heart to give 10% of your income (gross, of course) to the church where you are blessed (see Galatians 6:6, and if it doesn’t make sense to you, Paul is saying to give where you are taught).
    • Always be ready to give to the poor – the benevolence fund is a good place to begin.
    • Consider supporting a missionary – we have several in our church who need support, although you might have a friend or someone else that the Lord puts on your heart.
    • Give extra for special projects and special needs and to the poor. One way to do this is to tithe bonuses, unexpected monetary gifts, tax refunds (yes, you have already tithed on that portion, but it is an opportunity to give freely – it establishes/reinforces a habit/pattern that is healthy), etc.

 If you have not been in the habit of giving, this will seem daunting. Perhaps start with less than 10%, but do not start too low. “Put me to the test!” God says in Malachi, “and see if I will not pour out showers (literally – rain for a drought-stricken nation) on you.” Do not take this as a “Prosperity Gospel” sort of promise. There is no evidence that the two givers that the NT commends the most ever became rich, but the widow who gave all she had (Luke 21:1-4) and the Macedonians who begged to be allowed to participate in the offering for the poor saints in Jerusalem even though they were impoverished themselves (2 Corinthians 8&9) will be remembered eternally.