October 13th: One-Service Sunday - Outdoor Worship Gathering at 10:00 AM

Please bring a chair for the Outdoor Worship Service.



If you missed a Sunday or would like to hear what the preaching style is at Grace, then check out our sermons! A sermon archive is also available and is a great resource in your personal bible study.

Sermons from 2015

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December 27, 2015

Psalm 16

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Psalms Scripture: Psalm 16:1–11

December 20, 2015

God’s Word to You - Jesus, John 1:1-18

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: John Scripture: 1 John 1:1–18

December 6, 2015

Hebrews 4:14-16

Speaker: Lee Williford Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 4:14–16

November 29, 2015

Face to Face with God, Hebrews 4:12-13

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 4:12–13

November 22, 2015

A Sabbath Rest for the People of God, Part 2 Hebrews 4, 1-11

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 4:1–11

November 15, 2015

A Sabbath Rest for the People of God, Hebrews 4, 1-11

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 4:1–11

November 8, 2015

Consider Jesus, Hebrews 3:1-19

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 3:1–19

October 25, 2015

Jesus is Our Worship Leader, Hebrews 2:12

Speaker: David Calvert Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 2:12

October 18, 2015

God’s Amazing Love for His Children, Hebrews 2:5-13

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 2:5–13

October 11, 2015

Warning: Do Not Drift from Jesus, Hebrews 2:1-4

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 2:1–4

October 4, 2015

The Answer is Always Jesus, Hebrews 1:5-14

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 1:5–14

September 27, 2015

Jesus at the Center, Hebrews 1:1-4 part 2

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 1:1–4

September 20, 2015

Is Jesus Enough, Hebrews 1:1-4 part 1

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 1:1–4

September 13, 2015

A Family Like No Other, Hebrews 10:19-25

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Hebrews Scripture: Hebrews 10:19–25

September 6, 2015

When Family Members Stray - Church Discipline

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: 1 Corinthians Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5

August 30, 2015

Global Mission

Speaker: Chris Pope Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Romans Scripture: Romans 10:8–10:15

August 23, 2015

Pointing to Jesus, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: 1 Corinthians Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:26–:31

August 16, 2015

The Upside-Down Family Values of the Kingdom, 1 Corinthians 1:10-25

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: 1 Corinthians Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10–:25

August 9, 2015

Dying Well, And Living Infinitely Better, Revelation 21:1-22:5

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Revelation Scripture: Revelation 21:1–22:5

August 2, 2015

Making Room in the Family, Ephesians 2:11-22

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Ephesians Scripture: Ephesians 2:11–2:22

July 26, 2015

Adopted into the Family, Romans 8:12-18

Speaker: Ricky Lee Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Romans Scripture: Romans 8:12–8:18

July 19, 2015

An (Extra)Ordinary Family, Colossians 4:2-6

Speaker: David Calvert Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 4:2–6

July 12, 2015

A Multi-Generational Gospel Family, Titus 2:1-15

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Titus Scripture: Titus 2:1–2:15

July 5, 2015

The Father’s Tender Care for His Children, Psalm 138

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Psalms Scripture: Psalm 138

June 28, 2015

God’s Grace in Your Consequences, Genesis 28:10-22

Speaker: Ricky Lee Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 28:10–22

June 21, 2015

God's Word at the Center - in Personal Life, 2 Tim 3:10-17

Speaker: Jim McLaughlin Series: A Place in the Family Topic: 2 Timothy Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10–3:17

June 14, 2015

God’s Word at the Center - In Preaching, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: 2 Timothy Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14–4:5

June 7, 2015

Growing Up in the Family, 1 John 2:12-14

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: 1 John Scripture: 1 John 2:12–2:14

May 31, 2015

Worship: The Family Gathering

Speaker: David Calvert Series: A Place in the Family Scripture: Matthew 28:16–28:20

May 24, 2015

Love - The Family Glue, Colossians 3:12-17

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 3:12–3:17

May 17, 2015

Gospel-Centered Parenting, Ephesians 6:1-4

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Ephesians Scripture: Ephesians 6:1–:4

May 13, 2015

21st Century

Speaker: Neal Manning Series: Church History | Audio Topic: Church History

May 10, 2015

The Place of Children in the Family, Matthew 18:1-6

Speaker: Scott Culbreth Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Matthew Scripture: Matthew 18:1–18:6

May 3, 2015

Marriage Matters, Ephesians 5:22-33

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Ephesians Scripture: Ephesians 5:22–5:23

April 12, 2015

Family Guidelines: The Role of Teachers, Part 1, Ephesians 4:1-16

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Ephesians Scripture: Ephesians 4:1–4:16

April 8, 2015

20th Century

Series: Church History | Audio Topic: Church History

April 5, 2015


Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: John Scripture: John 21

April 3, 2015

Good Friday

Speaker: Ricky Lee Series: Stand Alone Sermons

March 29, 2015

In Our Place, Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 52:13–53:12

March 22, 2015

Serving the Body, Well - Because You Believe the Gospel! Romans 12:1-8

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Romans Scripture: Romans 12:1–12:8

March 15, 2015

The Gospel In Action Part 2, Galatians 6, 1-10

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 6:1–6:10

March 11, 2015

19th Century

Series: Church History | Audio Topic: Church History

March 11, 2015

19th Century

Speaker: Neal Manning Series: Church History | Video Topic: Church History

March 8, 2015

Confronting Fear, II Timothy 1:6-7

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: 2 Timothy Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:6–1:7

March 1, 2015

Psalm 103

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Psalms Scripture: Psalm 103

February 22, 2015

The Gospel in Action Part 1, Galatians 6:1-10

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 6:1–6:10

February 15, 2015

A Gospel Saturated Family, 2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: 2 Corinthians Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:1–4:18

February 8, 2015

God’s Design for the Church: Perfect from the Start, Part 2, Acts 2:41-47

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Acts Scripture: Acts 2:41–2:47

February 1, 2015

God’s Design for the Church: Perfect from the Start - Part 1

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Acts Scripture: Acts 2:36–2:47

January 25, 2015

Finding Our Identity in Christ

Speaker: Brad Talley Series: A Place in the Family Topic: Matthew Scripture: Matthew 16:13–16:28

January 11, 2015

God's Blessing

Speaker: Ricky Mill Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:28–1:28