Church Center is a mobile app and web experience where you can engage with your church throughout the week. Download the app. Church Center is also accessible on a web browser at Church Center does not send emails of activity, so make sure you have notifications enabled on your smart phone or check back online for recent activity. Read below for more information about Church Center.
Why does Grace Community Church use Church Center?
As the Lord grows our church, the ability for our people to live in a gospel-centered community becomes more difficult. We used The City to help foster community for years, but the company that manages The City stopped supporting it in 2019. We replaced using The City with Faithlife Groups until the company who manages it stopped supporting it in 2023. Church Center is where our church had already been giving online, registering for events online, and was where our Church Directory is hosted. Therefore, we begain utilizing Church Center Groups in the summer of 2023 for church-wide inter-communication as well. Ultimately, Church Center better enables us to be the body of Christ.
Is Church Center Groups just another social network?
No. Popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter are geared toward individuals and their needs. Church Center Groups is geared toward groups and the needs of the local church. Also, whereas most social networks create and replace community, Church Center Groups merely supplements community that already exists. Church Center Groups allow us to endeavor to "pray without ceasing" for one another, which is quite different from other social networking platforms.
How does the church communicate via Church Center Groups?
Our elders and staff communicate to our body on a church, home group, and individual level, sharing ministry opportunities, prayer requests, event information, etc. Leaders communicate with groups and volunteers. Group members communicate with one another and the church family.
How do I use Church Center Groups?
The easiest way to learn how to use Church Center Groups is by simply spending time on it, browsing around, and checking out all the features. Don't forget to download the app if you have a smartphone! Church Center is designed and optimized for smartphone use. Therefore, many find the app easier to navigate than the online platform.
Can I sign up now?
Church Center Groups is for those who are active in the body at Grace Community Church. For regular attenders and members, click here to connect with GCC on Church Center!