B.U.D.I. Meal Ministry Team
B.U.D.I. stands for Birth, Unexpected circumstance, Death, and Illness. The BUDI Ministry is a way for our church body to come together and provide meals to serve those in our body who may be going through struggles and need a little extra help. Want to help cook and serve a meal for someone in need? Membership is not required to serve in this ministry. Contact Amber Morgan for more information.
Children's Ministry Team
Our Children's Ministry Team runs three programs on Sunday mornings: infant/toddlers, preschool, and elementary. We have a few models for serving, including one Sunday per month, or a one-month stint for five months out of the year. There is always a need for substitutes. We do require that our team members are GCC members or are actively pursuing membership, have attended Grace for a minimum of four months, and have had a background check. Contact our Children's Ministry Director, Diana Snyder, for more information.
Creative Arts Ministry Team
There are many opportunities to be involved in the music, audio/visual, and drama ministry at Grace. There are always needs for vocalists, instrumentalists, actors, light board, soundboard, and computer operators. Contact David Calvert if you are interested in serving.
Events Ministry Team
Our Events Team helps set up events such as potlucks, Discovery Lunches, and other fellowships. The Team also manages and maintains the kitchen. Membership is not required to serve in this ministry. To help with events, contact Pam Byrd.
Foster and Adoption Ministry Team
The Foster & Adoption Ministry (FAM) exists to glorify God by providing the needed resources, training, and ongoing support for the local foster and adoptive community with the ultimate vision of having more gospel-centered foster and adoptive homes than the needs of our surrounding community. The leadership team is developing a resource list, hosting foster care licensing classes, and is seeking to grow our church's awareness of foster care and adoption needs in our area. Fill out this online form to indicate your areas of interest in serving the FAM ministry, or contact Erika White with any questions.
First Impressions Ministry Team
Our First Impressions Team evaluates the visitor's experience and strives to create a welcoming environment. Membership is not required to serve in this ministry. If you have a knack for decorating and design and a heart for hospitality, contact Stacy Williford for more information.
Media Ministry Team
The Media Team at Grace Community Church is just beginning. The hope for this team is to ramp up GCC's presence online through social media, blogging, and videos. If you are interested in creating and managing online content to further GCC's mission, please contact David Calvert for more information.
The Grace Community Church Medical Response Team is a group of folks who are past or current EMTs, Nurses, or Doctors who have been BLS or ACLS certified. Team members serve during one of the two services, typically about once a month. The team members sit in the service they are scheduled to serve and respond to any medical emergencies that might arise during the service. If you have a medical background and are interested in serving GCC, please contact Josh Tate. To join this team, you must be a member of GCC.
Men's Ministry Team
The Men's Ministry at Grace Community Church aims to gather monthly. Gatherings may be devotional, service-oriented, or encouragement and fellowship may be the primary goal for a monthly gathering. The Men's Ministry exists to give men a monthly opportunity to connect with other men they may not have the opportunity to connect with on Sunday mornings or in home groups. If you are interested in planning events and monthly gatherings for the Men's Ministry, contact Jason Woodall to learn more about the Men's Ministry at Grace Community Church.
Missions Ministry Team
The Missions Team seeks to assist Grace Community Church in spreading God's love and His Word worldwide through evangelism and missions. This is accomplished as God's grace is manifested through our changed lives in all our relationships, showing Christ's compassion by being involved in the lives of people, especially the needy and the suffering, declaring God's good news about Christ to all people, seeking to lead them to personal faith in Him and involvement in His church, and identifying, training, sending, and supporting Christian workers to spread the gospel throughout the world. If you are interested in learning more about the Missions Team, contact Pastor Brad Talley.
Senior Adult Ministry Team
The Senior Adult Ministry serves those who are near 60 years of age and older. Our senior adults meet monthly on the second Monday at 10:00 a.m. for a time of discussion and fellowship. Opportunities to serve include planning for monthly gatherings as well as events outside of the monthly gathering. If you are interested in learning more about serving our senior adults, contact Ricky Lee.
Student Ministry Team
The Student Ministry Team at Grace is made up of people with a heart to see students impacted and growing in the gospel. We do require that our team members are GCC members or actively pursuing membership, have attended Grace for a minimum of four months, and have had a background check. If you are interested in volunteering for events, trips, and/or leading a small group of students, please contact Kyler Martin.
Toiletry Pantry Ministry Team
The Benevolence Ministry hosts a Toiletry Pantry on the first Saturday of every other month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Volunteers serve from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and hand out an array of toiletry items free of charge to all who come to GCC in need. The Benevolence Ministry desires to meet the physical needs of those in our community out of love from the One who can meet all our spiritual needs - Jesus Christ. Email Leah Stanley to be added to the email list for volunteering. You can view the next pantry date on our calendar.
Welcome Ministry Team
At Grace Community Church, we always want to extend love and hospitality to those who gather with us on Sundays to worship. Our Welcome Team helps greet, direct, and answer questions for our visitors and guests, and they provide a joyful first impression as you come in the door! Membership is not required to serve in this ministry. If you're interested in joining the Welcome Team, contact Keith Stephens for more information.
Women's Ministry Team
The Women's Ministry Team has many events scheduled and opportunities for those who want to serve, including weekly bible studies and quarterly events. If you have a caring heart for women's ministry and would like to serve, contact Ricky Lee.
Young Adult Ministry Team
GCC's Young Adult Ministry is for anyone who is 18 to 30ish! Oue focus is on helping each other in our personal and communal Christ-following journey. YAM helps get students and young adults connected to GCC through meaningful relationships, mentorships, and spontaneous and planned events. This ministry is re-grouping during a time of transition. If you are interested in the Young Adult Ministry, contact Ricky Lee for more information.