Click here to sign up for the next Discovery Lunch and Grace Connection Class.
Membership to Grace Community Church is open to baptized Christians who give assurance of personal faith in Christ for their salvation, who are committed to living under the lordship of Christ, and who are in agreement with the doctrinal statement of GCC.
To become a member, you must attend Grace Connection Class, submit an application for membership, and share your testimony with a couple of our elders. You may access our application for membership by clicking here.
Do you have questions about Grace? Elder-rule? Grace's stance on baptism? Grace's stance on the Bible? Then, please join us in our Grace Connection Class to discuss more about what we believe and how we operate.
All who wish to become a member must go through a five-session class called Grace Connection. The class covers what it means to be a member, our doctrinal statement, our governance, and many more details about GCC. Grace Connection is offered quarterly and meets at various times. Please check our calendar for the upcoming Grace Connection classes. We will also hold a Discovery Lunch after a Sunday morning service leading up to the start of a Grace Connection class to inform everyone of the membership process.
Members must affirm and believe the following:
- I believe and confess that I am a sinful person by nature and by choice, unqualified to be acceptable to my Holy Creator, and I have no hope of salvation apart from His grace and mercy.
- I believe and confess that Jesus Christ is God, the Son, and that He is the only Savior of sinners.
- I have received God’s free offer of mercy, forgiveness, acceptance, and eternal life, and am trusting in Christ alone for my salvation as He is offered to me in the gospel.
- I promise, in humble dependence upon the work of the Holy Spirit who lives in and enables me, I will determine to live each day as God’s obedient child and faithful witness so that my life brings honor to my God and Savior.
- I promise to be submissive to and supportive of the leadership of Grace Community Church as they lead the congregation according to the Scriptures and the bylaws and constitution of this church.
- I promise to encourage the witness of Grace Community Church in her worship and work by living at peace with other Christians, guarding the purity of her doctrine, and supporting her ministry with my personal involvement and financial gifts.