elders lead Grace Community Church
Grace Community Church is led by elders, according to biblical example. Eldership is a life-long call to pastor/shepherd a congregation, but an elder may take a sabbatical leave as necessary for rest and encouragement. These men are serving as pastors in many areas of church life - all are involved in home groups as well as other ministries. Feel free to ask any of these men for spiritual encouragement or advice, and let them know if you feel God is calling you to be a part of Grace Community Church.
Deacons assist the elders in specific ministries at Grace
The church body at Grace is served by deacons. These men are affirmed by the elders and congregation, and they take care of many of the behind-the-scenes and practical issues related to the church facilities and local families. The deacons serve for as long as they are called. They may take a sabbatical when necessary, but otherwise, they give sacrificially of their time and energy to glorify God through service.
Staff Serve alongside the elders and deacons at Grace
The church staff vocationally serves the body at Grace. These men and women are presented by the elders and affirmed by the congregation to serve on staff. The church staff takes care of many of the pastoral and administrative needs of the church.