Women's Bible Study
Every Wednesday until April 24, 2024
12:00am – 12:00am
Location: 2160 Harnett Central Road, Angier, NC 27501
Category: Women of Grace Coordinator: Gena WoodallAll ladies are invited to join the women's bible study this spring. We will be using Better: A Study in Hebrews by Jen Wilkin. The study will begin on February 21st and wrap up on April 24th.
The morning and evening studies will stay in step by following the same lessons each week. Therefore, you can attend either the Wednesday morning study from 9:30-11:00 AM or the Wednesday evening study from 6:30-8:00 PM. Both studies will meet in the back meeting room at the end of the hall. Childcare will be provided if requested. Make sure you indicate if you will need childcare when registering.
Jesus is better. In this 10-session, verse-by-verse study of the Book of Hebrews, Jen Wilkin explores how God “provided something better for us” in the person of Jesus Christ (Heb. 11:40).
Through stories of Old Testament heroes and practices, the author of Hebrews demonstrates how the new covenant is superior to the old and how Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of every promise. Explore familiar verses in the context of the entire Bible, learning how to place your hope and faith in Christ alone.
The cost to participate is $10 and will cover all materials and workbooks. If you would like to participate, please sign up here by Sunday, February 18th.
If you would like to learn more about this study or other Women of Grace events, reach out to Gena Woodall at genawoodall@gmail.com.